北海道では雪降ったりシたみたいですが、皆様のところはいかがでしたでしょうか? I hear that they got a little bit of snow in Hokkaido. How cold it is around your place?
白馬村でも昨晩はくらや周辺で5℃、山の上は雪が降ったみたいです! The temperature was below 5 around Hotel KURAYA last night, and one very good news is that it snowed around the top of the mountain in Hakuba.
ワックスかけたり色々と冬の準備は整ってますか? Now, it's the time to getting ready for the Winter.
さてそんな訳でそろそろ紅葉もいい感じじゃないかい? Anyways, the news of the snow reminds me to check turning color of the leaf on the mountain around here. と思い、小谷の鎌池までちょろっと行ってまいりました So, I went to "Kama-ike" which is located in deep mountain of Otari village.
こんな感じでしたよ! It looked litke these. なんとなくこれなら八方の上の方とかのほうが色付いている気もしないでもない感じです I think the color of the leaves are much better around the top of Happo-One today. 鎌池あたりはもう少しって感じでしたね Not bad, but a little bit too early to walk around for enjoying the Autumn leaves. そんな今日このごろです
どうもホテルくらやスタッフのコイチです Hi it's Koichi from Hotel KURAYA.
もーすぐ夏ですねー 今の所は、まだ梅雨って感じの天気ばかりですが It's still rainy season in Hakuba. But sometimes we can feel that Summer is coming close.
ホテルくらやの周辺は緑が生い茂っております Around Kuraya is overgrown with greenery.
ホタルとかそろそろいい感じなのではないかな?と思ったりする今日このごろです I think it's about the time that we can find firefly around here. 川釣りも海釣りも夏!って感じで楽しいですし During summer time, fishing in the river and the coast feel so nice too. そんな今日このごろです
It’s been a long time again, since I have posted last update. Hope everyone’s having good days. スタッフこいちは元気に引きこもっております、シーズンが終わってからほぼ誰とも会わない生活 All Kuraya members are fine over here, not going out and meeting almost no one after the season ends.
そんなこんなで、いつの間にやら白馬の方はすっかり新緑の季節と言うか、緑!って感じとなっております。 Now, it’s fresh green season in Hakuba. 冬の白!ってのも良いんですが、緑って感じも爽やかで好きです I love the looks of winter season too, but also love this refreshing green season too. 爽やかな新緑を眺めつつコーヒー飲んだりってのも良い感じです 外に椅子出しても寒くないし Drinking coffees in outside watching fresh greens feels so good, nice and warm,
なるべく外へ出ても外食を控えたりしていたのですが、蕎麦の魅力には勝てず 買い出し出たついでに久しぶりに蕎麦食って来たり As the COVID-19 situation in Japan we still need to be staying in alert, we are avoiding eating in a restaurant when went out for groceries for a while. However, I couldn’t beat up the charm of buckwheat noodle as I was thinking about it from winter season.
早いところあまり色々気にせず過ごしたいですねぇ I’m spending days like this so far. Hoping this situation over sooner, stay safe everyone!
どうも、お久しぶりです It's been a long time since the last time I have posted a new article 秋になりましたねーと言おうと思っていたら冬の気配濃厚な今日この頃ですが I was going to start this article saying it's been in middle of Autumn these days, but I think the Winter is almost there now. I can feel the strong sign of the Winter. 皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか?
Anyway, hows everyone's doing?
All the KURAYA members are fine over here
Since Autumn is counting its days towards Winter
It's the time for Buckwheat noodle
It's the best season for Buckwheat noodle around here
スタッフコイチは近年お蕎麦熱がとっても高まってきておりまして for the past few years, I'm getting more keen to eating buckwheat noodles year by year
まぁ、蕎麦屋さんの開拓とかはしておらず I don't know about some hidden great local buckwheat noodle restaurant which has never advertised こっち方面ならここで良いか、こっち方面ならこっちで良いか Going to some places that is located nearby when I going out って感じで色々なお蕎麦屋さんを知っている訳でも無いんですが I just only know some famous ones 寒さを感じ始めると猛烈に蕎麦が食べたくなるのです When it's getting cold and the Winter is almost there, It is the very best time to eat Buckwheat noodle.
毎日食べたい訳でも無いんですが 冬の気配がするとどうしても食べたくなるんですよねぇ
I don't need them everyday, only few times of it is enough